Thursday 14 February 2013

Game Developer Logo

For my ancillary task I was to create a game cover to go with the advert, a prominent part of all video game covers is the developer logo, often displayed in the bottom corner of the product.
I chose a dark background with an outer glow that would distinguish it against darker colours on other products and a bright green main colour to contrast the background and text. I wanted the image to stand out so I tried various effects and shadows until I came across an image that looked 3 dimensional. I think the text also catches the eye due to the cracks and irregularity in the shapes.

Wednesday 13 February 2013

Creating the Storyboard

When creating my storyboard I  wanted to put as much detail into it as possible including specific times 
for each scene and matching each scene to a part of the song which would be played over.
As well as this I will be including a change of tempo within my advertisement which will involve changing the track to another song, because of this I have had to work out the timings for the two and worked out a way to link the two without having a solid cut between them. The most likely option will be to fade in and fade out or possibly layer one over the other whilst they fade in and out.

The images shows myself finding appropriate times in each song then working out what each scene will include and timing both so they sync in the right places. As well as this I plan on including a voiceover which will mean adjusting the volume of the tracks and working out the timing for a third layer of audio; the first two being the soundtracks and actual sounds in the video clips themselves.

Wednesday 6 February 2013

John Fiske - Theory of Conventions

John Fiske (1987) states that generic conventions "Embody the crucial ideological concerns of the time in which they were popular".

This statement can be applied to all forms of media, however I will be focusing specifically on video games. The statement basically says that all pieces of media can tell us about the world they were produced in (what is fashionable, what isn't, and what people considered conventional at the time). For example video games of the current generation would probably show a world where war is incredibly prominent (taken from the popularity of games such as Call of Duty, Battlefield, Medal of Honour etc.) as well as this we live in a world that is almost obsessed with the future, and where the human race will go (evidence being in games like Portal, Metro 2033, and Fallout).

In my plan and general ideas I have included aspects such as crime, the monopolisation of just about everything, high-rise cities and deprived sub-urban areas. Without even realising that I have conformed precisely into Fiske's theory, as these are all subjects with feature prominently in todays society.

The theory can actually be taken much further than this, with media also reflecting current fashion, the way different areas of society are represented, celebrity culture, ideologies of power and wealth being obsessively interlinked, and even the spoken language and how it has take shape at the time of production (different slang words used, the lexical ambiguity so often used in advertising).