Monday 25 March 2013

Evaluation Question 4

How did you use media technologies in the construction, research, planning and evaluation stages?


·         Photoshop

o   I used this program for the majority of my printed work, as it is a desktop publishing software I am familiar with. I think using software you are comfortable with is vital to creating a professional looking piece of work.  I found I had learnt a lot from my work last year in terms of how to use the software and my limitations. For me the most challenging aspect of creating the cover/advert was finding the right brightness and contrast levels for the work after I had added the ‘posterization’ effect; an effect that adds more block colours and more solid outlines to the shapes. I feel my skills have developed exponentially since I started my foundation portfolio in year 12, as I have learnt to use various filters and techniques to a degree that looks professional.

·         Storyboard printouts

o   I printed out copies of storyboards so I could hand draw the diagrams. I believed this would be easier and allow for more detail than creating the images using solid shapes and lines in a computer program.

·         Final cut

o   I did all of the editing for my final product in final cut; which was my first experience with this product. I quickly got to grips with the basic transitions and filters however came across difficulties when importing video files from the camera to the apple mac, after a couple of attempts I was told it would be easier to import the files from the camera directly into final cut. Although it was my first time using this software I feel I managed to create an ample piece of work however due to time constraints was not able to use the software to its full potential.

·         PowerPoint

o   The majority of my research is presented on Microsoft PowerPoint documents, as I found it easier to integrate images and text on this program. As well as this it is easier to use for taking notes and making small pieces of work than a program such as Photoshop. The only disadvantage I found with this is that I could not upload directly to Blogger, so instead I converted the slides into JPEG files and uploaded them as images. 

·         Blog posts

o   As our course needs to be presented on the website Blogger all work should be presented on our own blogsites, I wanted to make sure my work was presentable. I chose a contrasting colour scheme that would emphasis the text. Though this is not particularly important, I do believe presentation plays a big part in any blogsite. Due to bloggers inability to upload slideshows I saved each slide individually as a JPEG and uploaded each slide separately.

·         IMovie

o   I used iMovie briefly when I began so I could work out which program would be best for me to use. I soon realized that iMovie, whilst having a simple layout and was easy to use, did not have the range of features I was looking for; such as grain filters, white noise generators, colour correctors, and audio filters. I also wanted to add a zoom out and rotate effect on an image for one of my videos. I found this much easier in final cut than in iMovie.

Friday 1 March 2013

Ancillary Task - Create a Video Game Cover

As I wanted my game to be multi platform (to appeal to a wider audience) I have designed the game cover in the dimensions and style of the three larger gaming platforms, Microsofts Xbox 360 and Games for Windows, and the Sony Playstation 3.